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How to clean plastic aquarium plants in 2022: Some easy tricks

Plastic aquarium plants are very popular to the aquarium users. Most of them cannot handle the live plants to grow in their aquarium. The main reason is most of us cannot handle the growing of real plants. So, we have no other option without plastic plants.


The most amazing thing is that plastic plants come in different shapes and designs. You can find them in any design, like real life plants. So, with just less effort you can decorate your aquarium. Now we will discuss how to clean plastic aquarium plants

There are several ways to clean the plastic plants. You can do the cleaning  of the plastic aquarium plants with vinegar, cleaning plastic aquarium plants with a dishwasher and the best way to remove  algae from plastic plants. We will discuss them all in our article today, as you can have a detailed idea and follow those methods. 


Check this video

How To Clean Plastic Aquarium Plants and Ornaments without scrubbing – YouTube


How to clean plastic aquarium plants

We will now talk about several methods to clean plastic plants from our aquarium. But there is confusion too, as the plants are new, why do they need to be cleaned? It is common to clean a used plant but a new one? Come on, we clear the issue first.


Why do we need to clean a plastic plant? 

There are basically two scenarios when we need to clean the aquarium plastic plants. Firstly, if they are new, then there is much possibility of having chemicals and dust on them. So, if it needs to be cleaned, we can use a dishwasher, soap or vinegar to clean them. Similarly, when we are using the plastic plants in our aquarium, we need to clean them. In this case, for long time use there is dirt and algae on the plants. So, for cleaning them we can follow the common cleaning methods. 


Cleaning the plastic aquarium plants with Vinegar

In this method, we will need vinegar to apply on the plastic plants. We take some water and vinegar in a pot, then soak the plastic plant in the pot. And we can do the steps to make them clean:

  • Soak plastic plant in Vinegar water for 15 minute
  • Rub and rinse the plants properly
  • Dust particles and algaes will come out of the plants
  • Put the plants in clean water for 15 minute
  • Rinse them well for further use. 

Vinegar is a good material to clean plastic plants but there are more ways to clean them. 


Cleaning the plastic aquarium plants with dishwasher

In this method, we can use normal soap or dishwasher liquid to clean our plastic plants. If the plants are used for months, they become slippery. So, we need to clean them. These algae can be harmful for the fishes in the aquarium too. So, we are telling the steps now:

  1. First put the plants in a pot of soapy water
  2. Put the plants in water for 15 minutes
  3. Rinse them well, clear the surface
  4. Put them in clear water for another 15 minute
  5. Finally wash and dry them before use. 

Why do not you learn about making a driftwood?

Things to consider before use plastic aquarium plants

There are both real and  artificial plants for aquariums. But the major issue is taking proper care. Those who use aquariums have to take care of the fishes, and here we are all not experts. We use different equipment and processes to maintain our fish. In the same way, we are not accustomed to growing real plants in aquariums. 


So, we have only the option to use artificial plants in aquariums. So, we go to aquarium shops and find artificial plants and driftwood to decorate our aquarium. But the matter of cleaning them is important. We have discussed a few methods to clean the plants that we need to clean once or twice per month. It will keep our aquarium healthy and fishes will have a better environment. 


Benefits of artificial aquarium plants

A lot of aquarium users are supporters of using artificial plants, and they say these are great. But why? It is confusing for me, so let’s get some clear messages from them. We have discussed with them to know the facts. 


The artificial plants never impact the oxygen content in the aquarium. So, the fishes can live better, they get a lot of oxygen from the water. It both decorates the tank and keeps fish safer. 


On the other hand, these have longer life in the tank. You can use it for years, there is no change in color and shape of them at all. The funniest thing is that real plants outgrow the fish tank. These plants are not on the same track. They just beautify the tanks and give a homely environment to the fishes. 


Similarly, these are easy to clean and take care for longer time, they do not need any care or potion. And another most exciting thing is that they do not leave any waste anywhere. It’s perfect to use artificial aquarium plants. It would be the most wise decision. 

Know the skill of resealing an aquarium.

Some FAQs

How do you get rid of algae on plastic plants?

We can use vinegar or dishwashers to clean the plastic plants. It will take from 20-30 minutes and it will be like new again. You will just find the algaes are gone. 


How do you clean plastic plants?

We can put the plastic plants in soapy water or vinegar water for 15 minutes to clean them well. Then we can rinse and clean with clear water. In these easy steps we can clean them. 


Why are my fake aquarium plants turning brown?

In some cases, if there are high iron effects in water, your aquarium plants can turn brown. You can easily clean them with vinegar water and make them as new as ever. 


How do you remove algae from aquarium decorations?

In some cases, you will find that aquarium decorations have algae on them, you can put them in vinegar water or clean the whole decoration with soapy water. It will remove all algae from them. 


We have discussed how to clean plastic aquarium plants in this article and how you will find the information useful. We hope you will clean your plastic plants by yourself and your fishes will enjoy the aquarium environment. 

Must read: How to clean aquarium sand.

Kent Richardson

I am, Kent Richardson a Fish and Aquaculture expert of I enjoy talking about fish and aquarium stuffs. My mission with this site is to help you get proper information, ideal product reviews & buying guides.